"Nina... she was a good kid. Real smart. Tia was always a little scared of her, though-- can't help it. Kids are cruel. Hope she's in a better place now. Her dad's taking it the hardest, as expected. Pandy hasn't shown much publically but... Harmony's worried she might be using again. That's all I have to say."
"The news really broke my heart... I was stuck with Pandy for days just comforting her while her husband took the time alone. I can't judge anyone's coping methods, I understand wanting to be completely alone-- but the poor poor woman Pandy was. Oh, sorry. I got off-track. Yes, Nina was always fantastic, having her over was always nice. The way she acted like she had all the answers at her age was adorable. I so badly wish we kept a closer eye on her at that damned party."
"Nina was like... the weirdest girl ever! I couldn't actually tell if she liked me or not. I've only been alone with her when Ruthy and Charlotte were both too busy to pick me up! I couldn't really prove it, but I think she'd make weird faces at me when we talked. Oh, and, she's really good at chess! She's the only one in the whole town to ever checkmate me! I really wanted to play against her again..." Tia sighs. "Charlotte's been so sad since Nina went away. She isn't acting like herself anymore..."
"Nina was one of the most interesting kids I've ever had in my class. I can't say she was the nicest kid I've ever had. Sometimes, if I got on her bad side, she'd pick out an insecurity I didn't even know I had until that moment and just tear into it. You'd be amazed by how many insults she could get out of that mouth of hers. And that smile, eugh. But... on the other end, I don't think I've had a smarter student. She had a real sense for justice, y'know? Probably her strongest trait. It's a real shame what happened, I could've seen her really getting somewhere in the world."